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Jamoma 0.3.0 preview
Posted March 16, 2006 by Trond Lossius

The move to OpenSoundControl is now complete. Alexander Refsum Jensenius has been adding several new video modules in the last few days. We probably still have some work to do before v.0.3.0 can be released, but I’ve decided to upload a preview.

There are several reasons for this. The most important is that the port to OSC implies some important changes in how to use Jamoma and how modules have to be created, and if anyone lese is using it at the moment, they might just as well adapt to the new way of doing it the sooner the better.

I also believe the new version to be fairly reliable and stable, at least on the Mac OSX platform. I used the new OSC-compatible version for all of the Tracker tour: 19 concert in two weeks. I didn’t have any issues with Jamoma or Max in general during the tour.

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